Mother Nurture Massage and Bodywork

Specializing in the Care of Mothers and Others

Infant Massage

Relax... Baby!  Infant Massage class or Private Instruction

"Infant massage is an age old tradition dating back to the beginning of time. Studies have shown that babies that were held, rocked, massaged, and carried showed more compassion and cooperation into their adulthood"~

Vimala McClure - Founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, and author or the book, Infant Massage, a Handbook for Loving Parents.

A wonderful, and fun, hands on class that teaches parents and caregivers safe and beneficial massage techniques to soothe, stimulate growth/learning potential, and most importantly, bond with your new baby!

 In this class parents will have a forum to exchange ideas, and discuss concerns, pertaining to life with a new baby.  Babies will enjoy the benefits of loving touch in a social and safe environment.

Infant Massage Class runs for 4 weeks, meeting once per week, for approximately 60 minutes. Every class will include massage technique demonstration, class discussion and social time for baby.

Benefits for Babies:

  • Relaxes and helps decrease stress.
  • Relieves discomfort from constipation, gas and colic.
  • Helps normalize muscle tone and improve blood circulation.
  • Helps baby sleep better (therefore parents sleep better too).
  • Stimulates brain development and improves sensory awareness.
  • Promotes bonding and attachment.

Benefits for Parents and Caregivers:

  • Helps parents feel more comfortable, and confident, in their ability to care for their baby.
  • Teaches parents to recognize baby's cues.
  • Teaches techniques that will soothe and comfort babies.
  • Provides an additional avenue for close and nurturing contact


How old should my baby be to attend an Infant massage Class?

Baby's can attend as soon as the parents feel comfortable bringing their baby into a social environment.  However, babies up to about 8 weeks old have a very short attention span and parents may find themselves taking several breaks during class. This is sometimes worrisome for the parent but it is perfectly acceptable and causes no distraction to the rest of the class.


What if my baby cries during class?

 Of course your baby will cry! A baby's cry is their way of communicating.  It is expected, respected, and will not interfere with the class at all.  If parents feel uncomfortable, or want some private time, it is OK to leave the room and help baby meet his/her needs.

What if my baby gets hungry during class?

Eat! Feed your baby whenever needed. I will go over anything that parents feel they have missed. There will also be a break half way through the class for parents and baby to eat (yes, I bring snacks!)  and socialize.

What if I miss a class?

I am happy to arrange a time with any parent to go over anything missed or if additional information is needed.  Also, all massage strokes will be reviewed at the beginning of each class and all hand outs will be passed out from previous classes missed. 

Before your session begins a letter will be emailed  to you explaining what to bring to class, what to expect, and what each class will cover.  I can be contacted for any additional information not covered by the letter.


All class material is based on, and is in compliance with,  information provided by The International Association of Infant Massage and Infant Massage USA.

Class Schedule


Start your own class

  with 4 or more families

Call (203) 653-5131 for information


Private sessions are available!

Private sessions are taught in the privacy of your own home

$150.00 per visit (within a 10 mile range)

$200.00 per visit (within a 20 mile range)

most families require only 1 visit




Contact Information

Phone: 203 653 5131


Ricki Ainbinder, Owner of

Mother Nurture Massage and Bodywork of Fairfield County

is a certified Infant Massage Instructor (CEIM) 







Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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